MODEL: Ptilopsis
DESIGN: Ryuzakiichi
Series: Epoque
EPOQUE New Arrivals/Serenity. Casual clothing centered around black and purple as main colors to exude a bit of elegance while still maintaining a calm feel. A favorite among women in the workplace, this outfit was Ptilopsis's first choice when going out.
Obtain Approach

Event Store Reward (free)

Usage One of Ptilopsis's casual outfits.
Quote Sensitivity that rationality cannot overcome.
EPOQUE New Arrivals/Serenity. Casual clothing centered around black and purple as main colors to exude a bit of elegance while still maintaining a calm feel. A favorite among women in the workplace, this outfit was Ptilopsis's first choice when going out.

Release Date

Release Date (NA) 2020-08-27
Release Date (CN) 2020-02-25

Additional Info

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