Farming Guide
Event Currency:
- Event Currency only drops from Normal Event Stages.
- Total needed to clear shop: 5705 (not including Furniture Parts)
- Total from Event Missions: 1200
- Total from First Clear rewards: 920 (480 from normal Stages 440 from EX stages)
- Remaining currency needed from normal Event stages: 3585
- Currency drops at a rate of 1:1 for sanity spent, so 3585 Sanity is needed on normal event Stages
- Sanity required for First clear of EX and Challenge mode: 120
- Total Sanity required to clear the Store: 3705
- One week of Annihilation will require around 125 Sanity.
- Total Sanity required is 3830
- The event runs for 2 weeks, so natural Sanity regen supplies 3360. The weekly mission Top pots give an extra 200 per week, for a total of 400, or 600 if you saved from the week before. Total possible of f2p regen is about 3760
- The login event provides 2 Top pots for an extra 200 Sanity for a total of 3960
- F2P players should have enough Sanity to clear the shop.
T3 Materials Farmable From Event Stages
- BI-8: Grindstone
- BI-7: Polyester Pack
- BI-6: Incandescent Alloy

Farming efficiencies (source): from an efficiency standpoint Alloy > Polyester > Grindstone. Grindstone has worse efficiency than it's story stage, though the extra LMD earned from the event currency sink improves the comparison. Polyester is a material that typically has an overall low demand for most players, it can be made from lower Tier mats, and it will show up in several upcoming events, so players should only farm immediate needs and be careful to not overfarm it. Alloy is the most efficient farm, but it will also be farmable at HIGHER efficiency in the upcoming [Who Is Real Rerun] event, so players may want to save their Alloy farming for THAT event. Grindstones are the least efficient material to farm for, but they don't show up again in an event until [Lingering Echoes] (roughly 6 months away), so players may want to farm Grindstones here despite the lower efficiency.
To see how many of these Materials your Operators might need, check the material pages or the Planner here:
Break the Ice - Event Operations
This Page shows the Operations available during the Break the Ice - Event.
Trust bonus on Event stages
New Enemies and Mechanic
Main Operations
Stage | Sanity | Rec. Lvl & Unlock Cond. | First Time Drops | Additional Drops |
BI-TR-1 | 0 |
BI-1 | 9 |
BI-ST-1 | 0 |
BI-2 | 9 |
BI-3 | 9 |
Elite 1 Lv. 1
BI-ST-2 | 0 |
BI-4 | 12 |
Elite 1 Lv. 20
BI-TR-2 | 0 |
BI-5 | 12 |
Elite 1 Lv. 30
BI-ST-3 | 0 |
BI-6 | 15 |
Elite 1 Lv. 40
BI-7 | 18 |
Elite 1 Lv. 55
BI-8 | 18 |
Elite 1 Lv. 70
BI-ST-4 | 0 |
EX and Challenge Modes
Challenge Conditions: (Credits: Noël#4395)
- BI-EX-1 - ATK of the Captain Ice Hunter [IL8] is increased and their ASPD is reduced
- BI-EX-2 - Explosion radius of Ice Arts Guard [IL10] is greatly increased when defeated
- BI-EX-3 - ASPD of all enemies is increased
- BI-EX-4 - The weight of Ice Casters [IL12] and Max HP is increased and is immune to Freeze
- BI-EX-5 - More Ice Arts Guards [IL10] will appear and have increased Max HP
- BI-EX-6 - Natural DP generation is reduced
- BI-EX-7 - 8 grids forbid deployment

- BI-EX-8 - Copper's [BJ] [Quick Kill] distance and damage increased and the cooldown is reduced