
Who Is Real - CN Event Page

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Event Summaries

Total First Clear Rewards
Total Mission Rewards
T3 Material Drops
Shop Totals Summary
Period: 2021-02-05 ~ 2021-02-19

Who Is Real - PV

Translation Credit: Lauli
[Who Is Real]  PV script translation:

As the story goes

Since ancient times

Many scholars and gentlemen

Indulged in fine arts

Great Yen has boundless territory

Spectacular sights

More mysterious people and fantastical things

Than anyone could count

But there is one person

The world is contained in their brush strokes

Who has seen ancient oceans and fields

Who has seen man achieve godhood

Who has crossed thousands of mountains and rivers

Who has laughed at the hidden moon

Do my esteemed guests know T

his person's name

And where they came from?

[Who Is Real] Event


Translation Credit: Nightsky#3319

Event Description: During the event period, [Who Is Real] event stages will be available. Players can obtain event rewards through the event stages and event shop.

Unlock Condition: Clear 1-10

The event stages will be released in parts:

  • "Step into the Art" : 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th
  • "Exit from the Art" : 1600, Feb 12th – 0359, Feb 19th

Event Missions and Store


[Ask Yourself] Event Missions

Event Description: During the event period, players can complete objectives in [Ask Yourself] in the event stages to obtain rewards.

Main Rewards:Event operator [★★★★★: Purgatory], [丹青阁] Furniture (Partial), Dusk’s Ink

[Answer Yourself] Event Store

Event Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 26th

Event Description: During the event period, players can obtain [Dusk’s Ink] from event stages, which can be exchanged for items in the [Answer Yourself]

Exchange Items: [Purgatory]tokens, [丹青阁] Furniture (Partial), Headhunting Permit, , Furniture Parts, High tier materials etc


  • The event story will only be added to the [Information Processing Room] after the event ends.

[Limited Headhunting · Spring Festival] Series - Hidden Moon


Event Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th

Event description: During the event period, the following operators will have increased rates in the event recruitment

    Featured Operators:

    Rarity Operator
    6★ Rate Up Dusk (Limited) - AoE Caster
    Saga - Skill-DP-Recovery Vanguard
    5★ Rate Up Mr.Nothing - DP-Drain Specialist
    • 6★ Rate-Ups have a 70% chance of appearing when pulling a 6★
    • 5★ Rate-Ups have a 50% chance of appearing when pulling a 5★
    Test out your luck for this banner on our:[Hidden Moon] Summon Simulator!


    • This event recruitment is a [Limited Headhunting · Spring Festival] Series Headhunting
    • New Operator [Saga] and [Mr. Nothing] will join the [Standard Headhunting] permanently after 0400, Feb 18th
    • New Operator [Dusk] is limited operator in [Limited Headhunting · Spring Festival] Series and won’t join any [Standard Headhunting]
    • Limited Operator [Dusk] won’t join any [Limited Headhunting] until Jan 1st, 2022

    [Hidden Moon] Limited Time Log-in Event


    [Part 1]

    Event Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th

    Event Description: Player can obtain log-in reward: [Tide on Sunset Headhunting Permit]


    • [Tide on Sunset Headhunting Permit] can only be used to perform a 10x headhunting in [Hidden Moon]
    • [Tide on Sunset Headhunting Permit] will be expired at 0359, Feb 19th, 2021
    • Each account can only obtain log-in reward once during the event period.

    [Part 2]

    Event Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th

    Event Description: Player can perform a free headhunting in [Hidden Moon] everyday in event period


    ◆ The Daily Headhunting will be refreshed at 4am and can't be accumulated

    New Operators


    New operators:

    ★★★★★★: Dusk [Limited]
    ★★★★★★: Saga
    ★★★★★: Mr. Nothing
    ★★★★★: Purgatory


    • New Operator [Dusk] is limited operator in [Limited Headhunting · Spring Festival] Series and won’t join any [Standard Headhunting]
    • New operator [Purgatory] can only be obtained in [Who Is Real] event and won’t join [Hidden Moon] and any [Standard Headhunting].
    • New Operator [Saga] and [Mr. Nothing] will join the [Standard Headhunting] permanently after 0400, Feb 18th
    • The new operators above can gain extra trust during 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th

    [Lungmen Luck Wall] Event Available


    Event Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 19th

    Event Description: In event period player can get two Lottery trials after daily log-in. Player can consume trial to play the game. Among the Lotteries you picked, the one which has the highest amount of Orundum will be the final daily reward. Player need to consume all the daily trials to obtain reward.


    • Maximum days of available Lottery Trial: 14 days in game
    • The possible amount of Orundum in Lucky Lottery: 200 / 300/ 400 / 500 / 600 / 800
    • If the amount of Orundum in daily reward is less than 400, you will gain extra one trial next day. The extra trial can’t be accumulated and the maximum daily trials is 3.
    • All the daily trials will be refreshed at 0400 next day and cannot be accumulated

    Chinese New Year’s Eve Special Log-in Reward


    Event Period: 2000 – 2400, Feb 11th

    Event Description: Players can obtain reward from different operators’ mails in event period.

    Eligibility: All players who registered before 0000, Feb 12th, 2021

    Image removed.
    From Amiya 2100 1 2100 2100
    From Nian 1 1 2
    From Bison 1 1 1
    From Dobermann 1 1 5
    From Lava: 1 1 5

    [Snow in the End of Year] Log-in Event


    Event Period: 0400, Feb 12th – 0359, March 5th

    Event Description: During the event, accumulate 15 days of login to obtain the following rewards

    Day 1 1
    Day 2 300 30000
    Day 3 1 2
    Day 4 1 20
    Day 5 1 2
    Day 6 300 5
    Day 7 15
    Day 8 2 5
    Day 9 1 30000
    Day 10 300 1
    Day 11 1 200
    Day 12 1 20
    Day 13 10
    Day 14 1 10
    Day 15 30000

    New [0011 Series] series Skins


    Sales Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 26th

    Event description:The following Skins will be available for sale for a limited time:

    [Spring Festival Packs] on Sale for limited time


    Sales Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 26th

    [Spring Festival Packs] Content:  

    • 90 Originite Prime
    • 1 10x HeadHunt Permit
    • 200000 LMD
    • 4 Chip Catalyst
    • 30 Strategic Battle Records
    • Tactical Battle Records
    • 20 Skill Summary·3
    • 30 Skill Summary 2

    New [丹青阁] Furniture Theme


    Event Description: [丹青阁] Themed Furniture will be available during the event.

    Obtain Method:

    • [Who Is Real] Event
    • Furniture Shop (Sales Period: 1600, Feb 5th – 0359, Feb 26th)

    New Annihilation Stage [Abandoned Mine]


    Opening Period: 0400, March 8th – 03:59, May 3rd

    Unlock Condition: All players who cleared 2-8

    Stage Description: New Annihilation stage [Abandoned Mine] will replace the current Annihilation Request [Frozen Abandoned City]. [Frozen Abandoned City] will be added to the Simulation Targets.

    Stage and reward info found here.

    New Medals/Achievments

    Gold Medals
    Silver Medals
    Bronze Medals
    New [Operator Record] Medals
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    About the Author(s)

    Arknights: Alyeska#2654

    Discord: Alyeska#7717
